
Save in order not to lose.

All genius is simple. Mix ground coffee, cinnamon, some salt, olive oil, tangerine essential oil (you can also take orange or lemon essential oil) with water. You can add some shower gel if you like soap foam. 

Dissolve 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of surgical spirit (it is sold in pharmacies) and 1 teaspoon of salt in 1 glass of water. Wash your neck and apply the mixture with the help of cotton plug. Don't wash it off. When your neck dry a little bit, massage the moisturizer gently into your neck. Repeat this procedure 3 times a week and within a month your neck will be in a perfect state. 

The great health benefits of apples are incontestable and proved long ago. It's well-known that an apple decreases the cholesterol level in blood effectively. All its benefits are in pectin and fibers. One medium-sized apple with peel contains 3.4 g of fibers that is 10% of day-norm our body needs. A peeled apple contains 2.6 g of fibres.

The majority of people always find the reasons to be nervous and are worried about everything. What is more, in most cases this state doesn't pass even when the problem is solved. A new matter to be worried about appears and a person lives in constant tension. Gradually it becomes a habit and doesn't lead to a happy living. How to get rid of such a state? Here are some tips that would help you to relax and feel happier. 

Make note of this because it can be useful.

Vitamin A for your hair 

Vitamin A is responsible for hair growth and hair roots' strength. So during the lack of this vitamin, hair begins to drop out and stops growing or practically stops. That's why it's necessary to organise your nutrition in order your ration contains products that are rich in vitamin A. Such products are liver, fish, carrot, brocolli, sweet pepper, parsley. 


- 1.5 glass of flour
- 100 g of butter
- 1 egg
- 180 g of sugar
- 10 g of vanilla sugar
- 1 tsp of baking powder 
- 3-4 apples
- 0.5 glass of chopped walnuts
- cardamom to taste
- a pinch of ground cinnamon 
- 1 tbs of cold water.

It's not necessary to exhaust yourself with unloading diets and even hunger to achieve the desired body shape. A quick therapy will be enough for your body. It'll cleanse your bowels and return the fond weight. 

For this purpose, you should include a detox salad in your ration. You can eat such salads all day long or as a substitute to dinner or supper. It'll be perfect to eat such salad every week. 

Ingredients (4 servings):

- 45 g carrot (peeled and cut into large pieces)
- 1/2 glass of sugar 
- 100 g of melted butter
- 1 mashed banana
- 3 tbs of flour
- 1 tsp of baking powder
- a pinch of salt
- 1/4 tsp of cinnamon
- 1/4 tsp of ground ginger.

What should you do if your body is not in form you would like to have? The main thing is not to desperate and start a special fitness course that would help to lift your muscles and make you slimmer and more sexual. 

The thing you should start with is physical exercises, but don't also forget about the right nutrition but don't keep a diet in no circumstances. While active exercises many calories are used up so don't limit yourself too much. Food that contains protein, fats and also greed vegetables are preferable. Try to refuse carbohydrates, shortening their quantity gradually. 

"It's a mistake, - says the French psychoanalyst and sexologist Catherine Blanc. In spite of an amount of information about sexual life, we are still among stereotypes. One of them is men's inability to simulate their feelings". 


Be unafraid to examine what happened to you this year – the good things you did, and more importantly, the shitty things you did. People you hurt, people who hurt you. Times when you put yourself out there, and times when you should have put yourself out there but were too scared of rejection. Think about the thrills you felt when you tried new things, and the self-loathing you felt when you stayed right where you were because you were afraid. Think about how much better it felt to take a risk and deal with potential failure than it did to stay safely in your comfort zone.


1. Nothing will ever pique your fancy as much as just staying home on major shopping days. Going to the mall at any point in December, particularly between December 17 and December 24, is the equivalent, in your mind, of entering the Death Star knowing that hundreds of stormtroopers are going to pummel you.

Here are 4 simple exercises for legs and glutes that would keep the lower part of your body in tonus and make your body slim, strong and appetizing in 15 minutes a day!

Exercise 1.

Make squats every day at least 10 times. The only condition is not to tear your toes from the floor, otherwise, you wouldn't get a right muscle work. And the result won't be long. Within a month you'll notice how strong your muscles are. 

Spinal breathing is a perfect exercise that you can do either upright or sitting. It aims at spine and back muscles relaxation and activation of sacral and cranial pumps, thyroid gland and adrenal glands. Spine is the main overpass of the spinal canal. The more relaxed spine is, the easier and freely energy flows in it. It's rather active exercise. 


If you’re a woman, the chances are you’ve grown up watching Disney movies and other romantic movies believing that one day you’ll meet your prince charming and live happily ever after. We saw Cinderella go from rags to riches, Jasmine fall for a poor boy and Belle find love with a beast turned man. It created the illusion that no matter what struggles we face in life, we’d eventually meet that one man and life would be wonderful and beautiful with no problems. Only now after two million dates, one heartbreak and a trillion whatsapp messages are we realising that this isn’t true.

Woman shopping on New York City street

If you’re anything like me, it doesn’t matter how many hours you work, there never seems to be enough money in your bank account. (Part of that is down to the tax man, thanks very much you douche.) I can do as much overtime as I like, but at the end of the day I’m no better off than I was working my normal hours. I don’t know about you but this frustrates me every single month. I’m so tired of having to budget, be careful with my money and buy things with a level head, especially when I see this women on social media boasting about driving range rovers and going to Dubai. The whole situation irks me and I’m tired of it.


- 2 eggs
- 150 g butter
- 200 g sugar
- 300 g flour 
- 10 g baking powder
- 0.5 tsp soda
- 1 tbs vinegar
- 1 glass of milk
- 70 g cocoa powder.

Save in order not to lose. 

We'll need:
- 1 tbs gelatine 
- 3 tbs hot water
- 1/2 tbs hair balsam. 

Take 1 tbs of gelatine and pour it into the glass bowl, add 3 tbs of boiled water for gelatine dilution and stir thoroughly until complete dilution. Let the mixture cool. Wash your hair and apply your favourite hair mask/balsam, then wash off everything, dry your hair with a towel and go for our herb.

We all know that sleeping with all those layers of make up on and popping zits screws up our natural beauty and glow but did you know that these five daily habits also fall in your skin’s enemy category?


Cotton Pillowcases

Skin experts state that burying your face in the pillow while getting your beauty sleep is actually a paradox because the friction can cause trauma to your skin, including permanent creases as our collagen breaks down. Nope, not even your hundred dollars worth of Egyptian cotton cases will spare your skin!