
Sometimes it turns out that meat we bought is tough and sinewy. After the cooking it becomes tough and it's difficult to eat. Not to allow you to be upset because of the failed culinary masterpieces, we collect for you several simple tips how to make tough meat tender and sappy. 

Recipe 1. Fruit.

Dust that accumulates on the floor and furniture, not only spoils the surface of your house. A lot of harm can be brought by dust ticks - they can provoke asthma, allergy, atopic dermatitis and other diseases. To avoid these unpleasant consequences, we offer several effective ways to cope with a harmful home enemy in a short time.


If you’re striving with weight loss, then you already know it’s the little things that add up — the “little bit more” at the dinner buffet, the “little bit too tight” feeling of your clothes. But what if you also knew about the little things you could do every day to lose more weight? Here they are.

10 Steps to Speed Weight Loss


A few weeks ago I visited Amsterdam and I stumbled across a restaurant that I very much enjoyed called La place situated in central Amsterdam.



1 carrot;
1-2 onions;
1 potato;
1 chicken fillet;
1-2 marinated cucumbers;
150 g hard cheese;
100 g mayonnaise.


The 60s were the peak of fashion in many cases. Not only was it the time of the mod fashion revolution (I’m pretty sure it was a revolution, because it still influences so much of our current fashion), but it also centered around some of the most attainable styles and looks to this day. Sure the 70s, 80s, and 90s are still considered “retro” and are often exaggerated to be costume-y, but they aren’t nearly as iconic as the 60s Parisian influence and mod glam. And I’m not just talking about clothes; the hair and makeup were equally as important to bring the whole look together.

Dressing up the largest focal point of any living space, the sofa, the coffee table should be used for more than just a table for Friday night pizza or a place to store all the remotes. Instead, it should have as much style and presence as any of your home’s decor. And then, when you add a tray to keep the chaos at bay, you’ve got the perfect bit of foundation for styling and organizing. Let’s take a look at a list of great ideas and inspiration on how to style coffee table trays.

Sometimes we feel pain in this or that part of the body. It can be severe, sharp, dull, mild and long. It can appear suddenly and suddenly disappear. 

1. Chest pain 

Chest pain or pressure can be a characteristic of a heart attack. You should go to a doctor immediately, if it's accompanied by a high blood pressure, shortness of breath or nausea. 

Happy Tuesday, everyone! I hope you all are enjoying your Thanksgiving week! We are having some amazing weather in Florida and I am loving it! The trends I’m showing you today are perfect for transitioning into some cooler weather for the upcoming winter season.


Excited to be back on the blog after spending  My weekend in  upcountry at  my Grandma’s burial, i know she is in a better place. I do deserve a massage and spa treat considering the amount of work i did! But my sister deserves the most, she is indeed a gem,The only sister i have ;-) has great organizing skills and  big at heart, words cannot describe her, but what she did in upcountry only God can reward her.

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To live is the rarest thing in the world.
Most people exist, that is all.

Oscar Wilde

I paint hills with my hips and stroke the edges of the sky with a heavy sigh. 

I use a storm of words to blend the red soil of childhood dreams

And hope the winds purify the forbidden streams 

Streams of minds in illusive vertigo

It is very embarrassing to have black knees, elbows and underarms. It can happen to any person whether his/her complexion is fair or dark. This is often due to the accumulation of dead and thick skin that causes the skin to turn black. Too much sun exposure can also cause darkness in the skin. Too much dryness can also turn them black because oil glands are not present in these areas. You can easily get rid of them by following these home remedies.

I was recently introduced to a group of girlfriends this fall and we had our first girls’ night out this week. This was my first “girls’ night” in over two years.

apple-watch-12I’m an active runner, and I’m pretty committed to tracking my excursions. I’ve used MapMyRun for about two years, but just downloaded Strava in order to kick the tires a bit.  There are dedicated running watches from Suunto, Garmin, and others, but, as I’ve written before, I’m hesitant about investing in one-use devices, especially when they cost about as much as the all-in-one option.


I don’t typically write too much on this blog. As I said from the beginning, this is more of a power-house of information I find from various sources that help me with either nutrition, working out, healthy habits, etc. But every once in a while I like to take the time to write something from “me”. Something I don’t get to do too often.

Get some extra energy in the morning now with a perfect boosting banana peanut butter smoothie option.

 Meal Replacement Energy-Boosting Banana Peanut Butter Smoothie

sources of trans fats

In our earlier post we had a look at how trans fats can cause adverse effects on our health. In this post we’ll look at sources of trans fats – visible as well as invisible.

I often have trouble figuring out how I want to cook my veggies. Steamed? Broiled? Something else? Who knows. Not me.

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Happy Sunday Love Bugs.
Sorry I’ve been late with these posts the last couple of weeks, next week I will try and have my post out Saturday Morning but failing that it will be up sometime Sunday afternoon.

Just a quick reminder that not all of the products I use are vegan friendly but that’s because they were pre vegan purchases and it would be wasteful to just throw them away, so I plan to use them until they’re finished and just not repurchase.

