Passionate People

I love the Aristotle quote, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

Our lives are defined by how we spend our time, and what we choose to do each day.

But what if you aren’t sure how to spend your time? What if you’ve been looking for something you feel passionate about, but you just haven’t found it yet?

How to Tell Someone You Like Them

In recent years, I've been more forthcoming in my expressions of love, admiration, and regard for the people around me -- from complete strangers to romantic partners.

I've come to the conclusion that life is short, and if you think or feel something positive about another person, you should tell them -- even if it creates an awkward moment.

how to be attractive

“The secret of attraction is to love yourself. Attractive people judge neither themselves nor others. They are open to gestures of love. They think about love, and express their love in every action.” ~Deepak Chopra

Here’s the bottom line: we want people to like us. Even when we say we don’t care what people think, we really do.

We desire to be loved, respected, and viewed in a positive light. Our human interactions are vital to our sense of well-being, self-esteem, and happiness. When we discover that someone doesn’t like us or rejects us in some way, our emotions can run the gamut from defensive indignation to deep pain and profound sadness.

One of the most valuable qualities of gelatine is that it includes collagen - a protein of animal origin. 

Everyone knows that collagen is able to maintain skin turgor. But there is one problem: collagen molecules, that cosmetic treatments contain, are too large to go deep inside the skin structure and prevent from wrinkles. 

Eugenio Marongiu

1. Even though nostalgia tempts you, you don’t let it completely envelop you. When you feel yourself about to slip into old memories, you know how to reel yourself in. Though the past is tempting, you realize that dwelling on it is unproductive.

2. You are capable of detaching yourself when you need to. In general, you are very aware of your emotions, and have no problem tapping into them and allowing yourself to feel. But you can take a step back when you need to be 100% rational.

Twenty20 / aubreeplodinec

Of all the things most people aspire to be, the common subconscious desire is to evolve into someone who’s more likeable. Whether to ourselves, our loved ones, the people we’re still hung up on impressing, most aspirations are somewhere tied into a supposed promise of being “loved.” It’s human nature.

Yet, there’s often a strange paradox in the world of self-development, and it revolves around whether or not it’s more important to be true to yourself, or to be true to the kind of person that others find more appealing.

Ancient Egypt stood as one of the world’s most advanced civilizations for nearly 3,000 years and created a culture so rich that it has spawned its own field of study. But while Egyptian art, architecture and burial methods have become enduring objects of fascination, there is still a lot you probably don’t know about these famed builders of the pyramids. From the earliest recorded peace treaty to ancient board games, find out 11 surprising facts about the Gift of the Nile.

Cleopatra was not Egyptian.


A forest house is the perfect setting to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life; to experience the peaceful serenity of the forest to nurture the soul. There are no clocks… no schedule… no agenda. The day is yours to relax… to explore… to do as whatever you want. Revitalize yourself in a place where time stands still.

It's not necessary to take drastic anaesthetics all the time or a agree to popular injections. Sometimes, local treatment with compresses and liniments is much more effective. 

My mom is obsessed with keeping a stocked freezer, but I guess I don’t really take after her, because my freezer tends to be relatively empty, aside from random containers of stock/ramen broth, frozen dumplings and pierogi. I admit, I store buy frozen chinese dumplings and pierogi for those times that I just don’t feel like cooking. I tell myself it’s because of ease and convenience, but really, I just love the taste of frozen pockets filled with deliciousness.

Give that side braid the night off, and add a little twist to your look with the Half-Up Fishtail Braid! With soft waves, or even full curls, this braided ‘do is absolutely swoon-worthy! Need this look in your life? We’ve outlined each step for you below!


1. Start with wavy hair, brushed straight back.

2. Take the front section of one side and gently twist back.

3. Repeat previous step with an even section from the opposite side.

4. Next, use a clip to hold the twists together and in place.

5. Create an ‘X’ with two small pieces as shown.

6. Start the fishtail by crisscrossing each section over the other.

7. Add small pieces, as you would with a french braid, as you continue downward.

8. Next, remove the clip and finish braiding all the way to the ends.

9. Starting at the top of the braid, carefully loosen and widen for a messy look.

10. Complete this cute hairstyle with a little hairspray!

11 Quick And Easy Ways To Style Your Hair In Less Than 2 Minutes, The Right Tips For your Busy Mornings

Everybody loves foods. Whether they are the healthy and sumptuous looking homemade meals or fresh and thirst quenching fruits or those sinful and fat laden favourites, nobody will be able to forgo it. So we eat, but why not make everything easy?

For this article we will be seeing some food hacks which will be life changing and will be diet friendly (just ignore the bacon and other diet killer, that is, if you can).

Use dental floss to cut soft foods.

cutting through dental floss

via HuffingtonPost

Dental floss is great to make perfect cut for cakes, cheese, rolls, burrito and other soft solid foods. There’ll be no mess, no knife sticking events and no hassle. Slide the floss under a rolled cake or bread and pull both ends up. For cakes, hold both ends across a cake, tighten and cut across the cake. For cheese, you can try both the techniques, whichever way you want.

For a note though, use some unscented floss for the slicing if you don’t want your food to taste like, er, your newly flossed teeth.

Just a bit of fun, not intended to be snarky in regards to how they’ve aged.


Milla Jovovich



3 fruit you should eat every day. 

These fruit contain substances that lead to tissue recovery that form soft intervertebral disks. These substances also make tissues firmer and more elastic.The strengthen of these tissues leads intervertebral disks take places given them by nature, without any manual correction. 

Try to do this - and you won't recognize your spine. Substances, necessary for this procedure, don't contain in each fruit in particular, but form during their mixture. This mixture also have a magic power that is capable to increase the sexual desire of both men and women. 

Creative packaging is regarded as one of the most commonly seen illustration of graphic design. Aside from showcasing relevant and essential product properties, details and facts, the packaging is now a fundamental sales instrument as most consumers choose a product with creative, eye-catching packaging design when deciding on which products to buy. Therefore, having a captivating and exceptional and unique package design will make it a major competitive edge for companies and suppliers. The colors, illustration, typography and how items are wrapped and presented are just a few elements that designers need to pay attention to come up with an effective packaging which can impress the customers through it creativity.

10 – Ampro Bottle

Ampro Bottle Packaging Design

Ampro Bottle

Designed by Ampro Design


Even if you don’t actively use essential oils at home, the chances are that you’ve experienced some of their properties before.

Have you ever walked through a field of lavender or peppermint, or even a pine forest, when the sun has been at its full height and just stopped and breathed in deeply? Feeling your senses filled with the aroma’s of those plants and your lungs filled with this clean energy? If so then you have indeed experienced the properties of essential oils, but not to their full extent!

Crockpot French Onion Soup I

You know… like 9 hours.

But! At least this time you won’t have to cover your entire kitchen in flour, spend four days digging dough out from under your nails, scrub melted burned butter off the bottom of your oven and give the entire recipe you made to someone else because you can’t be trusted around it.

Knocked Up (Unrated Widescreen Edition)

I have a secret game that I play in every conversation I have. Until now, no one knew about it… but I’m about to dish the deets. ;)

I try to get every person I interact with to say, Wow. That’s a great question… at least once in our conversation.

Dates are considered to be a product that contains all the necessary useful components. Even if you eat only dates and drink water, you will live for several years. 

Date Night Ideas in a Jar

Whether you’ve been with your boyfriend for a year, or just celebrated your 10-year wedding anniversary, it can be easy to get stuck in a date night rut. That’s why we love the idea of a Date Night Jar—it’s fun to make and the both of you can contribute ideas.

Here’s what you’ll need to get started…