1. “If you want to get our clothes off focus on what you’re giving, not on what you can get!” – Demi Moore

Demi Moore

Flickr: audiusa

There are only really two things you need to know in order to keep your food fresh for longer. You need to know how to strategically organize food in your fridge and how to properly store your produce.

Organizing Your Fridge

The first thing you should know is that your refrigerator should always be kept at a temperature of 40°F or lower and freezers at 0°F. Refrigerators have different compartments that are meant for storing different products. These compartments have different temperature zones depending on how close they are to the cooling element of your fridge. If you don’t store your food in the right place in your fridge, the temperature of your food might not lower enough to keep them from spoiling.

Even if you try to live a healthy lifestyle, coupled with regular exercise and no cigarettes, you might still develop cancer due to carcinogenic agents hidden in your food. These carcinogenic agents are not easy to find and may even still be in your supposedly healthy diet. Here are ten carcinogenic foods that you might want to start avoiding, or at the very least, limit.

Deposition of calcium salts is not a local process that is going in a particular organ, but a general one. There is a great variety of reasons: metabolic disease, harmful food, hereditary inclination and others.

If you think that tree houses are just for kids, think again.

The designers and builders at Blue Forest are out to prove that tree houses don't have to be just a childhood fancy. And boy have they succeeded. They build beautiful tree houses. Some are made for individuals, while others are for families, but all are examples of incredible architectural mastery.

This tree house in particular is called the "Living the Highlife Tree House." It's built for a family, and I have to say, I definitely would've loved growing up in a house like this.

How to Look Good Without Makeup

It’s totally possible to look good without makeup. But in order to feel confident without makeup, there are 3 things you’ll want:

Get Clear Skin Maintenance Focus on your overall appearance

The grind of daily life can be daunting for most of us especially as your age advances. After passing each phase of life like that of being a high school student to becoming a college student to going to work and there on getting married and starting a family can leave you reeling at the increasing amount of stress. We are sure that it is only after the passing of each phase do you realize how easy it was as the current one is tougher than the one before. We all need a daily dose of motivation to wade through the difficulties of life and forge ahead.

Daily Motivational Quotes (12)

While we cannot offer you much in the way of solace, we can definitely offer you some motivational quotes to keep you inspired. The next time you feel your spirits sinking or feel the need for some motivation, the quotations we have given here can do some damage control. We hope that these daily motivational quotes to inspire you will help you deal with the difficulties of life.

via Summer

I collect quotes. If I come across a line in a book that moves me, or a quotation online that really speaks to me, I always write it down. I refer back to these quotes frequently. When I’m feeling lost or stuck in life, or just a little down on myself, it helps to read the comforting words of someone wiser than me. They reassure me about the direction I’m going in life, and help me realize that everything isn’t as bad as it may seem.

Amy Purdy, an American snowboarder, the Paralympic medal winner, is sure that she can inspire everyone to cope with difficulties on their way. She is not only a perfect motivator. she lives her life as if there is nothing impossible. Amy doesn't have legs, but she never considered herself to be an invalid. At the age of 19 she fell ill with bacterial meningitis. Because of the complications, her two legs below knees were amputated. Besides, her spleen and kindeys also suffered and they were also removed. 


I think most people want to eat healthy.

But for many it’s too tough to start (especially eating healthy on a budget).  We get into eating habits, that aren’t great, and its just too much to give them up and change our lifestyles.

So what do we do?  We don’t bother; it’s too hard.

cute hearts made of paper

If you are the women, read this and check what your man does for you… make him read it! If you’re a man read this and keep it in lock. You will be getting your woman saying “awww” constantly.

Make his blood pressure rise with these almost effortless hair and makeup tricks that the guys fall for every time. Yes, every single time. So, get your game on and prepare to be the centre of all (male) attention!


When you have been backstage at enough red carpet affairs and fashion shows, nothing surprises any longer. Putting cellulite cream on the face? But naturally! Getting into a bubble bath after making up your face for a party? Of course! Using Pepto-Bismol as a face mask? Duh! Here are some of the staple beauty shortcuts that I have personally seen in operation over and over again. And each one of them delivers fab results!


Daily laying of hair, mug and dust lead to a strong hair pollution and have a bad impact on the work of sebaceous glands and head skin. Gradually, hair is becoming dull and unpleasant to touch. In that case, you should use the most effective clear treatment - hair and scalp scrub that you can make at home. 

H&M Conscious Collection aside, you might still picture eco-friendly fashion as being something for granola types. And true, eco-conscious duds might not have the most stylish history, but thanks to growing interest in sustainability and the rise of a “slow fashion” movement, more and more designers are proving to us that fashion and nature can coexist, putting out collection after collection of eye-catching getups. Intrigued? Here are some of the best and most accessible places to find clothing that is designed with both the environment and style in mind.



Being single is awesome! Now wait a minute…before you go judge me, hear me out. It has it’s highs and lows sure, but think about it for a second, when was the last time you could do whatever you want and whenever you wanted it? It’s not that easy when you’re in a relationship right?

When you’re in bed, do you star fish? Or do you just curl up in the side of the bed because your partner takes up all the space in the universe? When was the last time you slept in late? When was the last time you bought something expensive just for you? What i’m saying is not so crazy after all right? Don’t try to grow so quickly, enjoy the single life and what it has to offer – before you settle down.


single girls problems 1

Normal blood pressure is highly dependent on age and you should take this factor into consideration. For example, a healt adult should have 120/80, children under 12 years - 100/60, juvenile period is characterized by 110/70, people over 50 years have a norm of 130/80 and 140/90 for old people. 

Thus, if your blood pressure remains low for years, but a person feels good, you shuldn't worry about anything. In this case, you should only exclude pathologic deviations in your body. 


Many online websites and forums give various ways to lose weight ”fast”. But most of them have no references and give out false information. What I’m writing is the truth and the best way to really 15 lbs in one month…