10 DIY Beauty Tricks Every Girl Should Know

Looking good often means taking your time to take care of your skin, hair, face and body. Sometimes, you find yourself in a hurry and bearing in mind some of these quick DIY beauty tricks every girl should know, may help you to actually be ready to go in 5 minutes.

10 DIY Beauty Tricks Every Girl Should Know

1.Eyebrow fix

Hairspray eyebrows

If you don’t have enough time to fix your eyebrows, try this quick beauty trick : put a little bit of hairspray on your eyebrow comb (or an old eyelashes brush)and run it through your eyebrows in the upward strokes. It should keep your eyebrows nice and tidy. Source

2. Baby powder for greasy hair

Baby powder for hair

Washing,drying and combing your hair takes an enormous amount of time, especially if you have long and dense hair. If you don’t have time to do the complete hair maintenance,you should try putting baby powder on your hair, massaging it into the scalp and combing it all the way down. The powder soaks in the grease and your hair will look less messy and greasy. Source

3. Dark circles and puffy eyes

Bags under eyes

Not having much sleep or too much sun causes bags under your eyes with ugly dark circles. A quick beauty trick you should know for this problem is very simple : leave a spoon in the freezer for 15 minutes. Take it out and place it against your eyes. For dark circles, put some tea bags in the water, wait 10 minutes and apply them to your eyes for 15 minutes. Source

4. Eyeshadow everywhere

Eyeshadow tissue

When applying eyeshadow, most of the time some fallout end on your cheeks and face which can later be tricky to remove if you’ve already applied powder on your face. Try holding a tissue under your eyes when applying eyeshadow. That way it will keep all the extra eyeshadow away from your face. Source

5. DIY matte lipstick

Matte lipstick

If you’re more into matte than glossy, you should know about this awesome beauty trick. After you put your lipstick, apply a small amount of powder (baby powder, flour or even powdered sugar) to your fingertip and tap it onto your lips. Press your lips together,but don’t rub them. You have a perfect matte lipstick in a minute. 

6. Dry your nail polish faster

Dry nail polish

There’s nothing worse than spending your time polishing nails and ruining it 10 minutes after because it still hasn’t dried properly. A quick solution for drying your nails is quite simple and fast. Just after finishing your nails, put your fingers in a glass filled with cold water and ice cubes. Cold hardens polish, so you’ll have your nails ready in a minute. Source

7. DIY depilation paste

Depilation solution

Sometimes when shaving your legs, there is always a hair or two that goes unnoticed and it gets annoying every time you notice another one sticking out. Try this DIY depilation trick. Mix sugar, lemon and water and apply it over your legs and simply peel it off. The pain is much lower than with the wax and it costs much less.

8. Dry mascara

Dry mascara

If your mascara became dry or clumpy, there’s a quick trick for this problem. Use Contact Solution (or Olive oil) and put 2-3 drops in the mascara tube. Shake it a bit and you’ll have your perfect mascara back. 

9. Perfect French manicure

French manicure

The hardest thing about the French manicure is making perfectly straight lines. Simply use rubber band over your nail tip for straight line. One of the best and simplest DIY beauty tricks!

10. Hair flyaways

Hair flyaways

Tightening your pony tail takes much time if you’re having troubles with baby hairs flying everywhere around your face. Instead of trying to fix this problem with combing leftovers, try this beauty trick : use an old clean toothbrush and spritz it with a hairspray. Gently brush over your flyaways or any part of hair that needs smoothing.