And within 2-3 weeks more - 4-6 years younger!
A very simple and available recipe.

Buy dry seaweed - laminaria - at the pharmacy.
* Fill 2-3 tablespoons of laminaria into the bowl, pour out with 4-5 tablespoons of boiled water, stir until omogeneous mass and leave to steam for 5-10 minutes.
* The most important is not to add too much water, otherwise, it'll be difficult to apply it on your face later - the mixture will trickle down your face.
* Add several drops of lemon juice (for oily skin) or several drops of unrefined vegetable oil or oily vitamin A or B solution (for dry skin).
* Stir and apply with your fingers on face for 20-25 minutes.
* Wash off with warm water and go to bed.
Skin glows, lifts and revives if you make it at least 3-4 times a week.