Buy a good pineapple, a big, orange and fragrant one. You should feel its smell even through peel. Also buy 0.5 litres of vodka.
Then wash a pineapple with a brush the peel to be clean, because we'll need it later. After that remove the leaves and the very bottom. Put a pineapple with the peel into the combine or to the meat grinder.
Pour the ready mass with water, cover hermetically and place to the fridge for a week.
Then take in 1 tablespoon 15 minutes before the meal. If you want to lose weight, so take also before sleeping.
In case you're going to eat lard or any other fat meal, take one more spoon.
Such a proportion (a big pineapple and 0.5 litres of vodka) will be enough for about a month.
Pineapple contains bromeline, that split fats. Many remedies for weight loss are based on bromeline. The method is approved and very effective. Within a month you will lose 1 kg. Tasty and cheap.