How to become beautiful within 30 days. Top 5 advices

Advice №1

Use a separate pair of cotton or wool socks (depending on the season) every time you go to bed. Oil your feet with a mixture of creamy butter and some drops of peppermint oil after a shower. Then put on socks and go to bed.

The result

A month later, you can be proud of your feet. If you do this a month before a bathing season, you will demonstrate them with pleasure. Everybody will admire them.

Advice №2

It’s time to take care of eyelashes. Take an empty tube from a mascara. Wash it inside with a soap and a brush. Then dry it and fill in with wheat germ oil. We’re done! Now we have a homemade balm that will help your eyelashes to grow and thicken.  Apply it on your eyelashes from roots to tips before sleep. It’s very convenient to use a brush. Don't apply to much oil.

The result

A month later you’ll see how your eyelashes will become longer, thicker and stronger.

Advice №3

Let’s take care of body skin. Mix one cup of sea salt (you can also use common salt) and one cup of rich sour cream. After a shower apply it  on a clean body and massage gently, including neck area. Then rinse off with warm water. You can keep this scrub in the fridge.  

The result

Salt crystals remove keratinized skin areas and cleanse your skin. So if you have some skin problems, soon you can forget about them. Sour cream softens the salt effect so that it doesn’t scratch the skin and nourish your cells. Using it regularly, you'll get a wonderful result.  

Advice №4

It would be perfect if you get such a treasure as amaranthus oil. It contains squalene that is one of the main components of our skin. It absorbs almost completely. It’s very effective against wrinkles, scars, scalds and other problems.  You can use it daily, applying on body and face skin.

The result        

It will save you from lots of skin problems. The only disadvantage of this oil is its price, but it’s absolutely worth it.

Advice №5

Prepare special water for using after washing your hair. Add some drops of menthol oil (5 drops per 1 liter). Rinse your hair every time after washing.

The result

As soon as you try this, you’ll feel incredible lightness and freshness.  It can even help to ease a headache. Moreover, it can help to get rid of dandruff.