Gateau "Turtle" Recipe


- 6 egg yolks

- 6 egg-whites

- 2 glasses of sugar

- 2 glasses of flour

- 1 tsp baking powder or soda 

For cream:

- 750 g sour cream

- 1 tbs sugar.


Whisk egg-whites and 1 glass of sugar. Whisk yolks and 1 glass of sugar. Mix yolks and egg-whiites. Slowly add sifted flour and baking powder. Bake flat cakes on a baking tray (about 1 tbs of pastry in a time) at 180C. 

To cook the cream, mix sour cream and sugar by egg whisk. I wouldn't advise you to add all the sugar, it'll be too sweet, but it depends on your taste. Don't whisk, just stir till sugar dissolves.Then dip the flat cakes into the cream and arrange into layers on the dish. Powder with a chocolate cutting. 
You can either arrange the gateau like this or add something fresh or sour that would be tastier. For example, you can add apple slices between the flat cakes or apple slices and walnut or apple, nuts and cowberries. Enjoy!