Beauty Recipes With Pepper

*Black pepper tinctutre. 
Pour 1 tsp of ground pepper with 100 ml of vodka, leave for 1 hour at room temperature, then filter. Take 50-100 ml 1 time a day for a high temperature and cold. 

Pepper plaster. 
Mix 1 tsp of ground black pepper, flour and honey in a little bowl until a homogenious thick mass. Use to warm rhematius, neuralgia, colds and coughs. 

Pepper honey.  
Mix 1 tbs of pepper powder and 1 glass of natural honey. Take 1 tsp 3-4 times a day. It's advisable for tonsillitis, wet cough, bronchitis, menstruation delay or period late. 
Take 1 tsp 3-4 times a day. 

Pepper milk. 
To increase the body tonus and men potency improvememt, mix black pepper and sugar in equal parts. Then dissolve 1/2 of mass into a glass of milk and drink. According to the evidence of the ancients, this herb helps for the love affairs immediately. A weekly draught will stimulate a body a lot. 

Pepper oil. 
Grease the weakened muscles with a pepper oil for radiculitis, osteochondrosis, joint pains, facial neuritis and paralysises. To make it, you should mix 1 glass of olive oil and 1 tbs of ground black pepper, put on a low heat until boiling, boil for 5-10 minutes, cool, filter and you can use it for massage. 

Contraindications: medicines that include black peper, are not advisable for diceases of gall-bladder, pancreas, kidneys and liver, and also for gastritis and colitis.