Some mind-blowing amazing facts about the human body

/sites/default/files/ladies-lifestyle/4-12/dea9e2ae2eec.jpgThere are about 100 trillion cells in your body.  100,000,000,000,000!

Body's largest organ?



  • You have about 18 square feet of it. Averages 2 mm thick. 6 pounds renewed every month.
  • 100,000 bacteria per square inch on skin.
  • 600,00 dead skin cells are shed every hr. That’s roughly 1.5 lbs per yr.  AMA finds that 80% dust in house is actually dead skin.  ughh! **look up stats on air quality
  • Skin is the body’s heating and cooling system.
  • Up to 1/3 of fresh blood is pumped through subcutaneous capillaries to regulate thermodynamics at a critical and amazingly constant 98.6 Degrees Farenheit.
  • The body has over 2 million sweat glands and
  • 5 million hair cells (as many as monkeys; our hair is finer).



  • You see by taking in light through your pupil which is detected by light sensitive cells (photoreceptors) in an area in the back of your eyeball called the retina.
  • More than 120 million photoreceptors are in your retina, which is about 1/100 of an inch thick.
  • 1/3 brainpower (i.e. energy required to fire neurons) is devoted to processing visual cortex input.


  • Your sinus has 10 million cells each w 1,000 receptors.

Circulatory System/Vascular:


  • 10 billion capillaries
  • If all the tubes in your circulatory system were laid end to end, they would stretch 60,000 miles. In perspective, the diameter of the earth is 7,926 miles. Right! The stat from the beginning.
  • 400,000 white blood cells are in every drop of blood. (how big is a drop?)


  • 10,000 taste buds. Each has 50 receptors.

You have 20 feet small intestine.

Muscular system:


  • 34 muscles are in the human face.
  • All are activated when you kiss someone.
  • It takes 40 to raise a leg and 200 muscles to walk.

Sperm: smallest cell in the body
Egg: largest



  • There are roughly 100,000,000,000 (that’s one hundred billion) neurons in your brain.
  • Each has thousands of connections.
  • Brain takes up about 3% of body weight and consumes 20% available energy.