Read This If You Can’t Wait For 2015 To Be Over


2015 was hell for me. I know I am not supposed to say that.

I am supposed to say that everything went well, that because I have awesome friends and family and a recent diploma from a great university I should be grateful and stop being so negative. But this year took be me by the hand, slapped me around and hasn’t delivered an apology.

For everyone who feels the same way, 2016 is a new year.

I don’t usually give into those articles, the ones that say because it’s a new day you are suddenly a new person. But I do believe that if you think something enough than the power of positivity becomes a pretty great thing. And if you are ready for some bad times to be over then some good ones can take their place.

For those of you who lost a job or could not find a job, next year is going to be the year that all your hard work is finally rewarded. Next year is going to be the year that you find your way into another small job, which leads to a better job, which leads to the perfect career that you have been dreaming of your whole life. Next year is the year that your startup takes off. Next year is the year that you have the idea for that startup. Next year is the year that waking up at 7 am is not the worst thing in the entire world, because going into the office is something you love.

For those of you who lost out on love, next year is going to be the year that you find new love. Next year is going to be the year that you find someone who is more compatible, who wants you, who is at the same stage of where you are at in your life. Next year is the year that you find small dates, cute kisses, and fun times. Next year is the absence of crying over other people who betrayed you. Of making people a priority when you are only an option to them. Next year is the year that if you don’t love anyone else, you find that loving yourself is more than enough.

For those of you who lost someone, next year is going to be the year that you begin to move on. Next year is going to be the year that the process of grieving goes from every day to at least every other day. Next year is the year when you remember that this special person in your life would want you to be happy, to really live again. Next year is the year of acceptance. Next year is the year to ask for help. Next year is the year you realize that missing people is normal and not weak. When you realize no one will replace them, but that’s ok.

For those of you who got physically sick or hurt, next year is going to be the year that your body becomes as strong as your mind. Next year is going to be the year that you begin recovering. Next year is the year that you run, swim, ski, dance. Next year is all those little steps to get there. Next year is the year they continue working to find the cure. Next year is the year they find the cure. Next year is the year you start being more conscious about what you eat. Of the power of your body. Next year is the start of a healthier lifestyle.

For those of you who developed or diagnosed a mental disorder, next year is going to be the year that your mind becomes as strong as your body. Next year is going to be the year that you accept that dealing with this disease does not make you fragile. Next year is going to be the year that other people accept this too. Next year is talking, therapy, and pills if you’re ready. Next year is feeling like you’re not so alone in this world. Letting go of the cloud that follows you around and allowing yourself to smile. Next year is the start of a mentally healthier lifestyle.

For those of you who caused the pain this year, next year is going to be the year that you forgive yourself. Next year is the year that you are going to accept that you can work to be a better person but that you don’t have to punish yourself forever. Next year is when you self-evaluate. Next year is when you let someone prove you wrong. When you don’t need the last word, when you don’t need to put someone down to get ahead, when you love a little more than you did before.

Finally for those of you who felt like you just didn’t do enough this year, next year is going to be the year that you give yourself a break, because maybe you should have given yourself more of a break this year. You made it through. Maybe school was terrible, the bills were hard to pay, and the idea of taking a vacation was laughable. But you did have a few laughs. You may have had more heartbreak but remember that you had those laughs. Those fun times with friends. Those fun times with family. Those fun times in general. Failure is not the worst thing in the world.

And I always like to say: If teams have rebuilding years than why can’t people?

Screw you 2015.

Some of us couldn’t be more ready for 2016.