Standing lamps in corners often feel a bit like round pegs in square holes, not quite fitting the space in a way that would feel intentional.

This flat-pack, fold-out solution from Well Well Designers is a low-cost and elegantly-designed approach that is minimalist in terms of both materials and appearance.

The product packaging and typography are all comprehensively considered in form and function – this is not a typical in-the-box retail object, but a simple black (or blue or red) on white approach.

“The Pop-up corner light is delivered in an envelope. The lamp is constructed from a sheet of polypropylene. The sheet is cut and incised, in such a way to produce a square, triangular or circular module when folded at a 90° angle. Intended for the corner of a room, the lamp creates a luminous shape, interacting with the architecture. It cleverly takes advantage of a space often unexploited in design.”