9 Great Tips On How To Lose Belly Fat In A Week


Find out how to lose belly fat in a week by reading through the great tips listed below. While you certainly can’t expect to see a miracle and see super tight ab muscles in a week, you can easily lose a couple of pounds within the first 7 days. If you continue to use these tips you’ll experience a snowball effect and you could very well end up losing a lot of weight over the course of a month.

1. Cardio on an empty stomach

When you perform your cardio exercises on an empty stomach, it raises the metabolism. As a result, the body is forced to use fat to burn energy instead of food that has been eaten recently. When you feel your body beginning to slow down following a cardio workout, usually in an hour or so, then it’s time to eat.

2. Skip breakfast – intermittent fasting

Instead of ingesting a lot of food every morning, try skipping breakfast instead. When you do this you are practicing intermittent fasting, which consists of fasting for at least 16 hours daily. It’s a dietary approach that many experts believe will enhance fitness performance, longevity and promote overall better health. When you go without breakfast you won’t have to limit your calorie restrictions as much on your other two meals. You’re also more apt to retain more muscle mass than people that are following a strict low-calorie diet.

3. Eat more protein

Stock up on fish, cottage cheese, eggs, lean meat etc. and consume protein at every meal. Your body naturally burns extra energy when it processes proteins than it does when working on fats or carbs. When you eat plenty of protein your body will be busy working out even when you’re not at the gym!

4. Lower your carb intake

Instead of reaching for pasta and bread, grab fruits and veggies when you’re on the go. When you eat too many carbs the extra is stored as fat and it will be more difficult to lose belly fat quickly. While you shouldn’t cut out the carbs completely since they are required for energy, make sure that you lower them significantly.


5.  Avoid sodas

Soda is full of calories that come from corn syrup. The human body doesn’t really understand how to process this high fructose syrup and it can quickly wind up as fat on your belly. Instead of drinking any sodas, have a bottle of water by your side at all times. When you constantly sip on the water you’ll stay hydrated and will be less likely to experience food cravings or reach for sugar-laden sodas.

6. Lower your alcohol intake

When you drink alcohol it puts a lot of stress on your liver. This means that your liver has to go into overdrive to clear out the toxins, which can slow down the muscle building process. Figure out how you can lower your intake of alcohol – especially when you are concentrating on these tips and ways to lose belly fat fast. A drink every now and then is okay but you’ll want to put in an effort to keep your drinks limited.

8. Start a strength training program

Start an overall strength training program to get rid of fat, build muscle mass and prevent the loss of muscle. Deadlifts and squats are fantastic exercises to start with. When you start your strength training you’ll also find that it’s easier to stick to your diet. You’ll be motivated by the immense changes that take place in your body and will be more likely to push away the junk food and reach for the healthier choices instead.


9. Stop doing endless crunches

Crunches aren’t going to do you much good and may even cause damage. In some cases, crunches can cause a problem with posture, slouching shoulders and may even contribute to lower back pain. There is no such thing as spot reduction when it comes to losing belly fat. You’ll be wasting a lot of time and energy by concentrating on crunches that could be better spent on strength training exercises. While crunches can add strength to your stomach muscles, they don’t specifically address the belly fat that covers them.