Top 10 Superfoods to Help You Live A Longer and Healthier Life

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One of the easiest ways to eat healthier is to start eating superfoods. To make the transition as easy as possible, we’ve put together a list of 50 superfoods and why they’re so good for you. Food advertising can be confusing; it’s hard to know if low-fat, low-sugar, whole grain, all natural, or organic is the healthiest for you and your family. Eating these single ingredient, non-processed foods is a simple way to change your eating habits and be healthier. At the bottom of the article, we also break down the importance of certain vitamins, as well as define some of the nutritional terms.

1. Apples

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These crunchy, tangy fruits have always been known to keep the doctor away and keep you healthy. Apples contain an antioxidant called quercetin that has been linked to reducing the risk of lung cancer. Apples are also full of fiber and boron, which is a natural diuretic. Eating more apples has been linked to reduce risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and asthma.

2. Apricots

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Apricots are a superfood because they are a great source of vitamin A and C. Vitamin A is important for having healthy eyes and a strong immune system.

3. Artichokes

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This high fiber, spiky vegetable contains a lot magnesium, which is important for more than 300 biochemical reactions within the human body. Artichokes may also help to lower cholesterol and regulate digestion.

4. Asparagus

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These little stalks of goodness are a natural diuretic, meaning they help prevent bloating and can help rid your body of waste. Asparagus is also high in vitamin K; just a half cup of asparagus will give you half of your daily serving. Asparagus contains a high dose of folate, which can help prevent anemia in adults and birth defects in children when taken during pregnancy.

5. Avocados

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This great summertime fruit (yes, fruit!) is full of good-for-you healthy fats. The monounsaturated fats contained in avocados are good for your cholesterol, can decrease the risk heart disease, and benefit brain activity. Avocados are also full of folate, vitamin B6, and vitamin E. Vitamin B6 is essential in the body for the production of glycogen, a backup source of energy that’s stored in the muscles and liver and promotes skin health.

6. Bananas

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Bananas are well known for being high in potassium, which is great for muscle health and replacing lost electrolytes after a hard workout or a night of drinking. Bananas are also full of fiber, which helps to fend off hunger, as well as vitamins C and B6.

7. Beets

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These red-purple vegetables contain a phytonutrient called betalain, which may help to prevent heart and liver disease, cancer, and other degenerative diseases. Beets also contain nitrate, which helps blood flow to the brain and might reduce your risk for dementia.

8. Bell Peppers

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Red, green, and yellow bell peppers can be cooked in so many different ways and they always taste great. Red peppers even include almost three times your daily-recommended vitamin C intake. They also include lycopene, which reduces risk for certain types of cancer, including prostate cancer.

9. Berries

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These little berries are full of anthocyanin, a flavonoid that will increase the amount of antioxidants in your blood stream. Acai berries also contain essential amino acids that are good for muscle health and regeneration. They may even fend off cancer and aging.


Though sometimes ignored, blackberries contain even more antioxidants than they’re famous cousin the blueberry. Blackberries are also higher in vitamin A and C, magnesium, protein, and they contain less sugar. Anthocyanin, a flavonoid that gives fruits their rich bright colors, is thought to lower the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.


Blueberries have long been known to be a superfood, but these little blue orbs can pack a big health punch. Blueberries contain fiber, vitamin C, and anthocyanin. They’re known to improve memory by protecting the brain from inflammation and to increase communication between brain cells. They may even reduce your risk or slow the onset of Alzheimer’s. Frozen blueberries make for a great snack in the hot summer.


Though most commonly found in Scandinavian countries, lingonberries are closely related to cranberries, meaning they’re good for treating urinary tract infections. They also contain plant polyphenols that lower inflammation, fight staph infections, and replace antioxidants.


For their small size, you might be surprised to find out that the Goji berry contains nearly 500 times more vitamin C per ounce than oranges. These berries also include vitamin E and lots of antioxidants.

10. Black Beans

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Black beans are full of protein, fiber, and complex carbohydrates that will keep you full longer. One cup of beans is 15 grams of protein. When eaten with brown rice, you even get all 9 essential amino acids. Beans contain no saturated fats, which is what differentiates them from red meats. The flavonoids in beans are known to keep arteries pliable and soft.