Best Teas for Women's Health

Specialists claim that such physiological factors as aging changes, overloaded nervous system, lack of vitamins, premenstrual syndrome and other negative factors influence a woman’s mood and health. Herbs for female health solve these problems for a long time.

Raspberry leaf tea

Take 1 teaspoon of dry grinded raspberry leaves and pour them with 1 glass of water and put on the heat until boiling, then steep. Drink with honey or berries, mashed with sugar.

Tea for depression

This tea is perfect for women of a certain age that are often in low spirits. It helps to improve a mood and to cure depression. You’ll need to take blossoms of chamomile, hawthorn and St.-John's wort in equal parts. Pour with 1 cup of boiling water and steep for 20 minutes, then filter. Take small sips, while drinking.

Tea for young girls

This tea cures nervous system, irritability, lack of appetite. It’s useful during conflicts at home and at school, low progress. Ingredients: dandelion root, lemon balm and dead-nettle. Mill a slightly fried dandelion root in a coffee-grinder, pound the herbs. Take one teaspoon of herb collection and pour it with 1 cup of boiling water in a vacuum bottle, then steep for 2-3 hours. Take several cup in a day, one cup before the sleep is obligatory. A course lasts not less than 3 weeks. Don’t drink black tea while course.

Any woman can choose the appropriate herbs for herself that will help her to return excellent mood, health and pleasure to life.