Super Skinny Carbonara

 Elix and I are on a little health kick at the moment – more exercise, nutritious food, no snacking (me especially as i do love an evening peanut m&m’s treat) – anyway we are making good use of Jamie Oliver’s Superfood book for recipe inspiration and nutrition advice.

Tonight I made skinny carbonara from Jamie’s book and it was delicious so I thought I would share the recipe for those of you who don’t have the book. Incidentally Elix is adament this isn’t a carbonara (she loves carbonara with a creamy bacon, mushroom and cheese sauce and doesn’t like it messed with!) and more of a Pesto/Bacon/Pasta dish….helpful Elix thanks!

Serves 2
2 portions Wholewheat Spaghetti
200g peas
15g Basil
1 Clove Garlic
Juice of 1 Lemon
1tbsp Toasted Flaked Almonds
15g Finely grated Parmesan
2 Rashers Smoked Bacon – finely sliced
1 egg
75ml Natural Yoghurt

Start by popping the pasta in boiling water to cook.
In a food processor blitz the garlic, peas, lemon juice, basil, parmasan and almonds until the consistency of a coarse pesto – the smell of this is beautiful and fresh.
Fry the bacon in a little olive oil until crispy and stir in the pea pesto to warm through. Drain the cooked spaghetti and add to the pea pan. Stir to combine and take off the heat. Whisk together the yoghurt and egg and add to the pan stirring continuously to fully incorporate and avoid scrambled eggs forming at the edges of the pan.
Dish out and enjoy this lighter take on carbonara/pesto pasta!