Face masks for small wrinkles under eyes

Thin and soft skin under eyes is the first object of mimic wrinkles' attack. That's why you pay a special attention to this zone.

1. Olive oil face mask
- 1 tbs olive oil
- 1 vitamin E capsule (or lemon juice)
Add either vitamin E or 5-6 drops of lemon juice to olive oil. Apply on your face for 1 minutes then blot with a paper towel and massage the area under the eyes gently. After that, draw this zone with an ice cube moving from the outside to the inside eye corner. Finally, apply a moisturizer. 

2. Potato face mask 
- 1 raw potato
- 2 tsp boiled milk
- 2 tsp flour.
Grate the raw potato. Take 2 tsp of grated potato and add the same quantity of milk and flour. Pound the mixture and apply under eyes zone for 15 minutes. Wash off with cold water and apply a moisturizer.