We see popular and famous Instagram posts and we aspire to be like that or have a life like that. Well, comedian Celeste Barber has become everyone’s aspirations. She recreates stars like Kendall Jenner, Beyonce, Justin Bieber, etc.

Her latest creation is the hashtag: #CelesteChallengeAccepted. She uses it on her hilarious posts as she recreates the fame.

Celeste is quoted as saying to Buzzfeed, “Some celebrities on Instagram seem to think we non-rich, non-privileged people are idiots and believe that what they are posting is real. I wanted to try to show how ridiculous it would be for a ‘normal’ person to recreate some of these photos.”
Beyond the humor of these pictures, are the truth. Her doing this allows other people to feel like the people they look up to and want to be, aren’t real. Their aspirations are impossible to reach because the inspiration is created, not real and true.

And so, like everyone else, I’d like to thank you Celeste for being real!

Source: MyModernMet
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