How to prevent wrinkles with banana

There is two ways to prevent wrinkles with banana.

Method 1:

To make this homemade banana mixture for wrinkles you should mush one medium-sized ripe banana in a deep clean bowl. After that, add to the mushed banana one tablespoon of liquid honey and two tablespoons of fat homemade cream (for oily skin it's avisable to add also 1/2 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice). 

Stir the mixture thoroughly and apply on  clean steamed face. After 15-25 minutes wash off the remnants of the mask with warm water and draw your face with an ice cube made from chamomile herb or green tea of high quality.

Method 2:

To make the following homemade banana recipe for wrinkles, mash 1/2 ripe banana into a homogeneous puree. Then mix the mass with 1 egg yolk and 1 tablespoon of olive oil or nut oil of high quality (you can also use any vegetable oil instead of either of these products). Stir the mixture thoroughly until homogeneous mass and apply the paste-like mixture on your face evenly. Leave for 20-25 minutes. You can easily remove the remnants of the procedure with the help of warm water and a piece of cotton wool.