You know those days when you’re exhausted and you just can’t find the energy to function? (Yes us models have them too!) So what do we like to eat on the go between castings and shoots that’s healthy and easy when we are feeling like this?

These are one of my favourite . They are sweetened with natural agave nectar and dates and stuffed full of nuts and seeds. The natural sugar in the dates gives you the initial wake-me-up and the complex carbs in the oatmeal and the protein in the peanut butter and other nuts helps keep your blood sugars stable for longer and keep you full.


  • Peanut butter is a great energy-dense snack, and thanks to its sticky texture you can roll it in with other yummy ingredients as well.
  • This recipe contains dates, rolled oats, pecans, sunflower seeds and chocolate chips (yum!) – but you can put whatever you want in it! (I personally can’t have dried fruit so I don’t use them).
  • Use whatever nuts or seeds that you have and make sure to chop them small. Try toasting the nuts and seeds so they are more flavourful. You can use any kind of nut butter you have but natural, organic butter (like Almond or cashew – Holland & Barrett) is best.
  • You can leave out the coconut, or add more. Or what about swapping the agave nectar for honey? You could add more chocolate chips- or less. Or use chocolate shavings and how about toasted almonds instead of pecans?

PREP TIME – 10 mins 

TOTAL TIME- 10 mins




½ cup natural peanut butter

8 dates, pits removed

2 tbsps agave nectar

1 cup rolled oats

½ cup toasted, chopped pecans

¼ cup toasted sunflower seeds

¼ cup unsweetened coconut

¼ cup dark chocolate chips

1 tbsp chia seeds


  1. Place the nut butter, dates and agave nectar into a food processor and process until smooth.
  2. Either add all the remaining ingredients to the food processor and process again, or you can scoop out the nut butter and dates into a large bowl, add the remaining ingredients and mix everything by hand.
  3. Roll into 24 balls.

And Enjoy! They will keep for at least a week in the fridge or frozen for much longer.

Nutrition (per serving): Calories: 116; Total Fat: 6g; Saturated Fat: 2g; Carbohydrate: 13g; Dietary Fiber: 2g; Sugar: 8g; Protein: 3g