If you are exhausted, there's evidence-backed advice on how to regain strength and liveliness.
You probably know the feeling: 10 in the morning, you are already on tense from your third cup of coffee, and there is a complete mess of thoughts in your. You are exhausted -- physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Motivation? Forget it. Irritability? Definitely. Caring for the health and well-being? Forget it.

For some reason, people assume that overcoming challenges and sheer exhaustion does not go without the other. The reality is nothing like this. Emotional burnout is not a sign of success, it is the way our body is hinting that it's time to slow down.

7 healthiest teas and their health benefits

Tea is fabulous- and so are all of its benefits. Drink your way to good health by trying a variety of the healthiest teas. For those of you that have not embraced the tea drinking habit, maybe you’ll consider brewing a batch after reading this! Drink it hot, drink it cold…whichever way you like!

What are the healthiest teas?


1 TV Watching

Prolonged TV watching is a strong predictor for obesity. Recent research has proved that people who watch around two hours of TV per day are much more likely to be overweight than those who watched only half an hour per day. When you watch TV you are virtually motionless. Your heart rate, blood pressure and metabolic rate decline, resulting in burning 20 to 30 calories less per hour. Research by Harvard University has shown that there is a link between the amount children eat and the amount of television they watch.

50 questions to get to know someone

Want to get to know me better (or anyone really)?  Just ask one of the below “get to know you” questions… they’re meant to be fun, interesting questions that can help you learn more about the person you are talking to.  These questions can be great for team-building, learning more about your fellow co-workers, and for spicing up your standard introductions.

Maria Alvarez

(1) Men are not the enemy. For that matter, neither are women. We’re all in this together.

(2) Find what you love doing and do it.

(3) Don’t let anyone tell you what you’re capable of.

(4) Learn from your mistakes.

(5) Learn to forgive the mistakes of others.

Regular use of linseed oil normalizes the body and helps in many diseases. It is because of the high content of omega - 3 and omega - 6 oils, that flax seed helps to normalize metabolic processes in the body and has the following useful medicinal properties.


The strength of your marriage depends on the choices you make to improve it. Unfortunately, many couples have lost the spark they shared before they married and have replaced it with a humdrum routine. Dating and romancing your spouse can change those patterns, and can be a lot of fun, but will require some hard work. Planning and energy are imperative for making good times happen.

Because sometimes, browsing through pictures of celebrities looking stupid in the nineties is better than anything else in the world…

1. Sarah Jessica Parker

Spread eagle.

An ice cube tray is great for making miniature desserts, storing things like herbs or stock for easy use later on, and making unique ice cubes for cold drinks. Consider buying silicone ice cube trays; they make it easier to remove things when frozen. Once whatever you’re making is frozen, you can transfer the cubes to a ziplock bag for storage in the freezer. Here are some things to try.

Celebrities and models alike seem to have everything together. They've got their careers and their perfect bodies going for them. What if that all disappeared and these stars who we're all very familiar with were average people without the glitz and the glam?

Baked potatoes are always tasty. But you can cook it better. To do that, you should use a knife: make accurate cuts accordion-shape and fill them with garlic and rosemary. TThe smell of rosmary can only be compared with the smell of baked potatoes; as for the garlic, it turns out to be dainty while cooking. Accordion potato even has its name - Hasselback Potatoes. 

Looking good often means taking your time to take care of your skin, hair, face and body. Sometimes, you find yourself in a hurry and bearing in mind some of these quick DIY beauty tricks every girl should know, may help you to actually be ready to go in 5 minutes.

10 DIY Beauty Tricks Every Girl Should Know

1.Eyebrow fix

Hairspray eyebrows

If you don’t have enough time to fix your eyebrows, try this quick beauty trick : put a little bit of hairspray on your eyebrow comb (or an old eyelashes brush)and run it through your eyebrows in the upward strokes. It should keep your eyebrows nice and tidy. Source

“In the shower, with the hot water coming down, you’ve left the real world behind, and very frequently things open up for you.” -Woody Allen

Shower Thoughts

A Clown in a Shower Bath by Emmett Kelly

We have to stop apologizing for our “stupid” ideas.  Too often in the creative industry do we hear, “This might be a stupid idea, but…”.  Stop it.  The best ideas stem from nonsense and aha! moments that frequently come from drunken rants, sarcastic shit-shooting, and our favorite: shower thoughts.  In honor of all of our stupid ideas, we’ve curated a list from reddit of the greatest shower thoughts of all time.


Lately, she’s been letting the bathroom mirrors fog up whenever she showers. Sure, it’s pretty staggering when she tries to get out, the moisture, the heat. Like she’s trying to get dressed in a sauna. She could open a window, or leave the door a crack.

But then the mirror would clear up.
Then she’d have to look.

iStockPhoto.com / Wundervisuals

Producer’s note: Someone on Quora asked: How do you fight creative burnout? Here is one of the best answers that’s been pulled from the thread.

It kind of depends on what kind of burnout we’re talking about. These are the main kinds I experience:

My Career is Meaningless Burnout

I Can’t Get Motivated to Actually Finish Anything Burnout

I Feel Crushed Under the Weight of These Deadlines Burnout

I *cough* Have *cough* Been *cough* Sick *cough* FOREVER *cough […]* Burnout


1. Egg white mask
Queen Elizabeth often used this old, yet effective tip.
This mask increases the elasticity of the skin, reduces redness and swelling.
Break one egg and separate the white from the yolk, apply the protein mass evenly onto your face.
After 10-15 minutes rinse with warm water -- the effect of it will pleasantly surprise you!


A Russian schoolboy is in a tiff with his mom after winning a contest whose grand prize is living in a hotel for a month with a porn star.

The Mirror reports that Ruslan Schedrin, “said to be 16,” is simply over the moon to have won a month-long sleepover with adult film star Ekaterina Makarova a.k.a. Macy Ssens. He won this not as part of some sort of insane porn-watching challenge, but by being the 100,000th visitor to “a new website selling virtual arms for video games.” And they say American culture is pornified.

You won’t believe how quick and easy these delicious Garlic Shrimp are to prepare. Make a light meal with them and serve with a tossed salad or sere them atop a pasta for one hearty dish.

Easy Delicious Garlic Shrimp Recipe

When was the last time you were able to get dinner cooked in under 5 minutes? With a little prep ahead, this quick and easy Garlic Shrimp can be cooked in a few short minutes. By the time you walk in the door, turn on the broiler, spread the shrimp in a pan, place them under the broiler, you hardly have time to change into your yoga pants before it’s done and ready to enjoy. Serve these delicious shrimp with a simple tossed salad and you’ve got yourself one satisfying yet light meal.

Hangovers are the worst. That nasty combo of headache, nausea and gut-pain can cost you precious hours of your life. While there are certainly preventative measures you can take to reduce the likelihood of a hangover (headache medication, food, lots of water before bed, etc.), inevitably you’re going to get stuck with a dirty hangover that you need to crush before it kills your day. Here are 11 awesome hangover cures that you can turn to when you need to ease the pain.

11. Ginger

Ginger is an all-purpose digestive aid. You can eat it with sushi, drink some ginger tea or mix ginger juice with water for a nausea-reducing elixir that’ll balance your gastric fluids and calm your system. This powerful antioxidant and anticoagulant can work wonders, but don’t consume fresh ginger on an empty stomach. Mix it up with something else.


Rumi, also known as Mawlānā, is one of the world’s greatest poets of all time. Born in the city of Balkh, located in Northern Afghanistan, this mystical man was heavily influenced by Sufism and had a deep love for humanity. Throughout the centuries, his poems and quotes have sang to the hearts and souls of millions and millions of people…inspiring greater love, faith, comedy and humanity in the world.

Here are 30 of Rumi’s most inspiring quotes.